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Welcome! My main blog is Notes to Self, where I write about my big, little life. This is a place in the margins to jot down reviews, finds, and ideas worth passing along. I only post about things that are of genuine interest and relevance to me, whether suggested or discovered. I disclose all gifts, sponsorships, favors owed, blood bonds, and other vested interests. Contact me at kyranp c/o gmail.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Farmgirl Breakfast


This recipe for a popover-style, "Dutch Baby" pancake caught my eye as I was flipping through the Relish food insert that comes in the newspaper. I made it this morning, and holy mother of Julia Child, it was scrumptious. Also, ridiculously easy to whip up.

I had my slice drizzled with fresh squeezed lemon, as suggested, but for the kids, I used up the last of the buttermilk pancake syrup I'd made last week. It sounds weird, but it makes an amazing, buttery sauce that would be delicious over all kinds of desserts. Or just chugged from a mason jar. Warning: the syrup will taste sour until you add the baking soda at the end. Then magic happens.

It all added up to a hearty, farmgirl breakfast, which I could only justify consuming on a regular basis if I were spending the rest of the morning bench pressing horses, or whatever it is farmgirls do. But for a special treat, you'll do, Dutch Baby, you'll do.



Blogger lenniekat said...

Maybe you could write a page, drop and do 20, write a page, do lunges, write a page, jog in place... Then you could have a farmgirl breakfast tomorrow, too - and I could join you?

March 4, 2010 at 9:22 AM  
Blogger bluebird of paradise said...

and I just received a tin of Quebec maple syrup in the mail to go with it!

March 4, 2010 at 10:18 AM  

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