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Welcome! My main blog is Notes to Self, where I write about my big, little life. This is a place in the margins to jot down reviews, finds, and ideas worth passing along. I only post about things that are of genuine interest and relevance to me, whether suggested or discovered. I disclose all gifts, sponsorships, favors owed, blood bonds, and other vested interests. Contact me at kyranp c/o gmail.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Notes on Ice


If you drove by our house the other day, you would have seen my three sons climbing the pecan trees in our front yard wearing their new long underwear and snowboots. In seventy five degree weather. They are just a little bit excited about us going to Mount Tremblant, Quebec this week, on a sponsored trip arranged by Blogher. So am I. Not just because it will be our first real family vacation in years, but because they've never seen more than a few inches of snow in their lives. To give you an idea, they get excited when the dog water freezes over. I cannot wait for them to make their first snow angels.

We fly to New York tomorrow for an overnight stop, and then onto Canada Sunday. I'll be blogging all about it. Hope you'll follow along with us!



Blogger Debbie said...

Have a great time! Can't wait to read all about it.

February 20, 2009 at 3:03 PM  

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